What is a cookie?
A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you visit
certain websites. Cookies enable a website to, among other things, store and
recover information about a user and their device’s browsing habits and,
depending on the information they contain and the way in which the device is
used, they can be used to identify the user.
What type of cookies does this website use?
Depending on the company that manages them:
First-party cookies: they are sent to the user’s device from a device or
domain that is managed by SOCIALGAMES, S.L. and from which the user’s
requested service is provided.
Third-party cookies: they are sent to the user’s device from a device or
domain that is not managed by SOCIALGAMES, S.L., but by third parties.
Depending on the period of time for which they remain active:
Session cookies: they are temporary and remain in the browser of the
user’s device until they leave the website, application or platform. These
cookies enable us to improve navigation and make it easier to access the
Persistent cookies: they are cookies where the information is stored on
the user’s device and it can be accessed for the period of time specified
by those responsible for the cookie (it can range from a few minutes to
several years)
Depending on their purpose:
Technical cookies: they enable the user to browse a website, application
or platform.
Personalisation cookies: they enable the user to access the service with
some predefined general characteristics, such as language, the type of web
browser, etc.
Analysis cookies: they allow us to quantify the number of users and
therefore carry out measurements and statistical analyses of the activity
on our websites, applications or platforms, and to elaborate user
navigation profiles in order to introduce improvements.
SOCIALGAMES, S.L.’s first-party cookies that are used on this website are
technical and personalisation ones which, in turn, can be used as session
and persistent cookies. In compliance with article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, from
11th July, on Society Information and Electronic Commerce Services,
SOCIALGAMES, S.L.’s aforementioned first-party cookies do not require
consent from users.